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Showing posts from August 9, 2018

Fieldwork at Ol Pejeta: Bones, Animals, Armed Guards, and Glittering Poop

We've had several busy days doing fieldwork, but I finally found some time to download my photos and write a little bit about what we're doing. Basically, we're walking 1 kilometer transects looking for bones of modern animals on the ground; we're interested in comparing the "bone" community to the living animal community. Here are some photos of what we're up to. We park our car by the side of the road before we walk transects Ella showing the guard we had on our first day what she was writing down in her field notebook  Buffalo crossing the road Fire really excited at measuring her first bone of the season! We also find a lot of animal poop on our transects. This is spotted hyena poop - you can tell because it's white from all the bones they eat. We also often find footprints on our transects - these are cheetah footprints Ella striking a pose with a buffalo skull we found on a transect This is often my view